Sport fields with synthetic turf

Soccer fields with synthetic turf have some disadvantages compared to those with natural turf. On the other hand, it is a perfect solution in cases that it is not possible to maintain the natural turf (lack of water, specialized workers, money for fertilizers, machines). Also, we have a stable state of the field, in comparison with the natural turf, during the whole year.

For the construction of football fields the order of works is :

  1. Place boxing concrete height 50 cm wide 30 cm in perimeter
  2. Underground installation 3A 30 cm, condensed and inclined at 1 % for rapid absorption of rainfall
  3. Installation of synthetic material on the substrate and bonding the one roll to the other with a special tape and epoxy dye. Yellow or white stripe strips will be placed.

Then quartz sand will be placed about 10 kilograms per m2 and rubbing rubber 0.5 to 0.1 milligrams 10 kilos per square meter. The above materials will be coated with special machines (brooms) for better distribution.

  1. Construction and placement of goal-post

A guarantee of 8 years is offered on all of the above.

Installation of synthetic carpet at the Arkalohori field